Lucas's Blessing Banquet and Blessing Day
Saturday September 29, 2012 we had a blessing banquuet with our family and friends to celebrate Lucas' blessing date. Chris made this amazing pasta to serve and we just enjoyed being with our family and friends.
Robb Crocket holding Leah Andrus, Brandon Andrus and Elizabeth Andrus |
Val Andrus, Me and Kim Crockett |
The Crocket Family
(Kim, Mya, & Robb, we are missing Logan) |
The Great Grandmas
(Grandma Bird and Grandma Avery) |
Lucas |
Grandpa and Grandma Avery |
Aunt Tracie, Aunt Meagan and Grandma Betty |
Love this picture
(Uncle Dave and Grandma Doll Challie) |
Shalawna and Dekyn Fullmer, Grandma Betty and Aunt Meagan |
Aunt Tracie and Great Grandma Bird |
Justin Fullmer & Uncle Chuck |
Grandpa holding his grandsons
(Kyler Cornwell, Grandpa Cornwell and Lucas) |
The Cornwells
(Uncle Dave, Kyler and Aunt Andrea) |
Sunday September 30 was the blessing day for Lucas. He was blessed with the name Lucas Clark Orval Avery in Foothill Ward at the Milo Churhc. Bishop Mike Harrigfeld, Scott Shipton and Jonathan Coles were the bishopbric of the ward.
We had a great group that stood in the circle (Chris, John Avery, Gary Cornwell, David Cornwell, Ron Garner, Darwin McKay, Benjamin Bird, Robert Bird, John VanDyck, Brandon Andrus, Robb Crockett, & Bishop Mike Harrigfeld.) Chris gave Lucas a beautiful blessing.
Dad and Lucas |
Hayden and Grandpa Cornwell |
Chris' side of the family
(front row: Benjamin Bird, Bruklin Van Dyck, Meagan Avery(holding Preston Van Dyck) Bridger Bird, Belinda Bird,
Taryn Van Dyck, Shirley Bird, Johnnie Van Dyck, Betty McKay (holding Lucas) Stephanie Avery, Kylee Avery, Lucile Avery, Grandpa John Avery and Cheryl Avery)
(Back Row: Charles Van Dyck, John Van Dyck (holding William Van Dyck, Tracie Van Dyck, Darwin McKay,
Chris Avery, Kim Bird) |
Men of the Family
(Bridger, Chuck, William, John, Preston, Johnnie, Chris, Lucas, John, Gary, Hayden, Ron, David and Kyler) |
Cornwell Family
(Ron, Hayden, Maggie, Stephanie, Lucas, Chris, Sharlene, Grace, Gary, Andrea, Kyler and David) |
The women
(Cheryl, Shirley, Belinda, Taryn, Tracie, Meagan, Maggie, Stephanie, Lucas, Kylee, Lucile, Sharlene, Grace, Betty and Andrea) |
So excited to see you tomorrow!(well, it will be Thursday for me)
Drive safe.
P.S. You left out Dave and Ron as being in the circle for the blessing.
Thanks Andrea Ill fix that.
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