Tuesday, July 16, 2013

9 Month Pictures

I can't believe the changes in him since the last photo session. His hair is longer and so so curly. He is losing his baby look and is looking more and more like a toddler, which I hate. I just want him to stay small and cuddly, not so much a mobile renegade he is turning into. I just love him to pieces and thank my Heavenly Father for blessing me with such a sweet little guy.

Lucas struggled on this session. He wouldn't take his regular nap and I had to wake him even to make a postponed appointment. I think him cutting teeth is the big culprit on his crabbiness. He also didn't want to really smile, no matter what we did. He just kept pressing his lips to his gums. Also, he began crawling about two weeks before the session and didn't want to stay put.
We did get a few good shots though, with the help of an orange popsicle. Which was the first one he has ever had. He loved it.


Don't you just love those curls. I need to cut his hair but I am waiting until after his 1st birthday.



1 comment:

Val said...

I love being able to see the 9 month pics compared to the 6 months right below. I didn't realize how curly his hair is! And I L.O.V.E. those black and white ones. Soooo sweet.