We decided that we needed to save a few bucks this winter on our heating bill so what better way to do that? Build lots of fires and because so we need to get more wood. Saturday we headed up to the cabin to get some fire wood. We spent good part of the after noon cutting up already fallen trees and even took down a few that were dead but had yet to fall. And yes trees make loud noises when falling to the ground. Lucas loved every moment of the day. He loved watching his daddy and his friend Uncle Chuck using the chain saws. He was so entertained that he refused to take a nap. He had a 15 minute nap on the drive up to the cabin but that was it. He was such a trooper. Lucas even got to bust out his logger boots Grandma bought him. He looks so cute in them but you could tell he had a harder time walking in them . He fell repeatedly, but that could have been also because of the uneven terrain. We got a great start of what I think we need. We will have to make another trip and then we get the fun part of getting it split and staking it.
Chris and Chuck taking out their aggression on a poor innocent log.
A beaver has nothing on these too. |
Check out my manly boots.
I'm ready to cut down some trees. |
Watching very patiently. He loved being around the boys. |
Fell down again. Stupid uneven ground. |
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