Sunday, December 21, 2014

Jean Gubler Cox ~ Monday March 3rd, 1924 thru Sunday December 21st, 2014.

Jean Gubler Cox

My sweet and very inspirational grandmother passed away from this mortal life to the next to be with her sweet husband and daughter, and her dear mother and father. When I learned of her passing, I was over come by instant sadness for the world had lost a truly remarkable person. But I was also so excited for her, for I knew she was ready for the next life. She had told me that she was ready to be with her family on the other side and was so wanting to be with her sweetheart again. She didn't want to spend anymore time away from him, since he has been gone since 2000. 15 years is a long time to be away from the love of your life. When I talked to mom, she told me that all grandma wanted for Christmas was to go home and I just started to cry because  a few minutes after learning of her passing, I had heard "I'll Be Home For Christmas" sung on the radio and it made me happy to know that she was home. She got her Christmas wish.

I am so proud to be part of her family and especially that I had her and my mom to watch on how to raise my family. She was a true example of someone who loved all with Christ like love. She didn't ever make anyone feel less important than the next. My dad and Chris have both told me that she made it very easy to be a part of her family. They never felt like an "IN-LAW," they always felt as if they were born into the Cox family. How many can say that?

I am so grateful that she was able to stay in her home until the very end where she was comfortable and with so many family members around. I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with her in August. I remember going over to her house as she was getting ready for church and just watching her as she picked out her outfit for the day and humming to herself. She always hummed. She would then find the perfect necklace and earrings to go with her out fit and then off she would go into the bathroom to fluff up her hair. She had this old off-white comb that she would use and she had it for a very long time, cause I remember her using the same comb over in the other house on Bluff street, then she would spray a ton of Aqua Net over her hair to keep it in place.  I have so many memories of her and am so grateful for them. I will truly miss her contagious laugh, her smile, and her hugs and kisses. But most of all I will miss going over to see her when we come into town. I will never be able to drive on the freeway down by her house and not think of her.


When we had heard that Grandma wasn't doing well, I was so wanting to go down there and spend the last few moments with her, and we had originally planned on being down there that weekend to witness Callie (Dave and Andrea's baby) be blessed but we decided not to go due to the weather. And this just made me more upset that we wouldn't get to see the blessing or say goodbye to grandma. I always had a hard time when Grandpa passed cause I didn't get to say goodbye, but for some reason, I knew I had already said goodbye to her on my birthday.
She called me and I didn't get to the phone in time but I got this beautiful voice message with her telling me that she loved me and that I made her so proud. So grateful that I didn't get to the phone in time and have that message preserved. I did call her back and get to talk to her, but this conversation made it a bit easier to know that I should not risk driving in horrible conditions to say my goodbyes.
We found out that her services would be the following Saturday, the day after Christmas. So Chris and I looked at our schedules and knew we wouldn't be able to make it down there until Christmas. But with the weather, we decided that we should depart for St.George Christmas Eve instead. So we loaded up our car with a few gifts, so Lucas would have a small Christmas down there

Funeral Services


Grandma would be so pleased with her bouquet, though she would have said to just get carnations and not roses. Mom had a connection with a florist that was able to give grandma the flowers she deserved and not ones that were the cheapest. As soon as I saw the flowers I knew that they were special and very worthy to lay across my grandmother's casket. She was the best and deserved the very best.


 During the viewing session, I left Lucas with Chris and was able to pay my respects to some very special people. I was able to love on each and every one of my aunts and uncles. I know funerals are sad but they are so special too. They are family reunions for those remaining here. I was able to spend some time with cousins that I hadn't seen since Grandpa's funeral and catch up with them. Its sad to say, but once both grandparents are gone on one side of the family, it is hard to get them all together again. So we need to enjoy this while we can. Sure we always have a connection, but with everyone being so busy within their own families it doesn't happen very often.





 Some of the pallbearers that helped escort Grandma to her final resting place. Cameron had just gotten home from his mission in Japan, the Thursday before Grandma passed away. Out of all of the grandsons, there were only 3 missing. Tyler is serving a mission in Canada, Braden couldn't make the journey since he lives in DC and Mike was welcoming a new son into his family. (Him and His wife welcomed a little boy the morning of the funeral.)

I love this picture. I know Grandma, Grandpa and Janet were so proud of their family for being so strong during this difficult day. I just feel bad that Mom wasn't feeling well. She got pneumonia while taking care of Grandma and was very sick. Though she was strong enough to help give Grandma's life sketch and didn't show that she was so sick.

Following the funeral, we all got together one last time before we had to leave to each of our destinations. But I am so grateful to Kristen Lotz , Elisa Edwards and Emily McClellend for putting us all together for the family picture. We were missing about 40 people but I know Grandma and Grandpa were smiling down at us with this picture. They were and always will be so proud of the family. That is what was always so important to them. It was their #1.
 Missing: Tyler Cox (mission), Braden, Angellica, Robert and Charlotte Halter, Derick Kuhlman (mission), Mike and Lenea Torgerson with their 5 kids(Lenea had baby Jacob the morning of this picture), Mekelle and Eugene Davis with Kade and Cole (went home on Christmas Eve), Maggie and Ron Garner with Hayden, Grace and baby Rose, expected any day) Justin Dickerson, Shan Cox, Jeff and Tanna Cox with Matthew, Camille and Kiera (had to fly home before the weather got worse), Quinten Edwards with Ethan, Anna and Audry, Rebecca and Mark Richardson with Elena and their triplets. and several great grandchildren who were left at home with other family members Callie and Kyler Cornwell, Jane and Chad Torgerson.

As Grandma and Grandpa would always say, "The Mostest!" 

1 comment:

Ron and Maggie said...

Don't forget Robert(Braden's son!)