Monday, February 09, 2015

Random Luke Pictures and Activities

Luke has been showing that he is 2 years old more and more. He is beginning to tell us "NO" and throw fits when he doesn't get what he wants. Its so hard to nip in the bud when he is just so darn cute when he throws these tantrums, but Chris and I are trying really hard to put him in time outs when this occurs. But when isn't being naughty, he is being really cute and is so fun to watch him play. He is getting quite the imagination and talkative.
Here are some of the things he has been saying, I am not sure where he is learning all of these phrases but they are pretty cute. Oh and I love that he refers himself in third person. I think when little kids do this it is the cutest thing, especially when its my kid.
Mommy: Are you hungry? or Lukie, do you need your diaper changed?
Lukie: No I fine. (he could be the stinkiest kid and still say this.)
Monday February 2:
Mommy: Lukie, it's time for bath.
Lukie: I had one last week.
Mommy kissing him all over his face:
Luke yells: Enough!
Wonder where he has heard that before.
Mommy: Lukie its time to go to church.
Lukie: No, I don't fink (think) so.
Mommy: I love you bug.
Lukie: I not bug, I'm Lucas.
Me or Chris buckling him in his seatbelt, changing his diaper or reaching around him to zip up his coat, he yells, "Get off of me."
Lukie has been saying, "Aw shut up." and we couldn't figure out where he heard that phrase and it made me nervous. Then we were watching Looney Tunes one day with him and realized he got it off Bugs Bunny.  Bugs has been a bad influence on Luke.  
We were sorting the yearling one day and Luke was out with us and all of a sudden he yelled, "Eww yuck, I stepped in stinky mud." Yep he found a fresh manure pile.
He can say his full name and the first two are really clear and the Orval Avery he runs together like Ovravery. I need to get this on video. It is the cutest.
 "Let It Go Naked Style" 
Got him out of the tub and tied the towel around his neck, he ran up and down the living room singing but mostly yelling "let it go."
  Lukie "The Mailman"
He has started to get really good at making baskets especially since we raised the hoop from 3ft to 4ft. Here is a video of him doing this and Chris got his reaction. Priceless. 
Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker 
In the video I was Darth and Luke would say he was Luke Skywalker.

Chris took Lucas to Toys R Us and this is what they came home with. Darth Vader mask and two light sabers. One red (Darth's) and one blue (Luke Skywalker). I have only come to know this since I have married Chris. Never knew anything pertinent about Star Wars until after we were married, and now he is teaching our 2 year old all about it. Luke already knows that Darth always has the red saber so if you play with him and have the mask on, you are holding the red saber and vise versa. I honestly think the reason Chris wanted to name Luke Luke is so that one day he could say, "Luke, I am your father," in his best Darth Vader voice.
Watching video games while daddy and Ben play. You can't take his attention away from the screen.
Bubble Bath Time

The only way I have been able to give Luke bathes lately are by bribing him with bubble bath. He doesn't get them every night since the run the risk of infection. But he loves them and it makes this momma's job a little less stressful and fight free.
Cookie Monster

I made chocolate cookies one afternoon and gave Luke one, he insisted on sharing the cookie with Cookie Monster and he was ever so delighted to see that Cookie Monster held the cookie in his mouth.
Frosty Cold Day

We woke up to a very cold morning and the fog flocked everything, but I wanted to take Lucas out to show him sheep close up. The farmer used Gaylin Stucki's property across the street to hold them over the night so they could get ready to haul them out on a semi. So Lucas and I bundled up and headed outside to see the sheep. He loved the sheep but he loved being outside even more.
Before I knew it, as we were walking back, he ran to the trampoline and I couldn't get him off. He didn't care that it was 15 degrees outside and that momma was freezing. He just wanted to jump on the tramp that still had snow piled in the middle of it. He thought it was the greatest thing. Finally was able to bribe him off with Macaroni and Cheese with hotdogs for lunch. He knows how to make deals already and it scares me a little. 
Hair Cut and Oh So Naughty 

He was so excited to show off his new haircut, to bad his good mood didn't last longer. He has been really struggling with sleeping at night so we are trying to wean him off naps during the day, but this makes for one grumpy baby by about 5pm. To prove my point, the next picture proves my point.

He was in trouble and finally I had had it. He knew it too. I pointed to the corner and he didn't even argue. He went straight to the corner for his timeout. He wasn't happy but he minded me and that was huge.
Party Time Punishment Time 
We were invited to Dekyn's birthday party and this was his first party that wasn't his. He did great when they were playing balloons but it soon got really bad. While Dekyn was opening his presents Luke got jealous and started pushing him around. He would not listen and threatening him to take him to the car didn't work either which it normally does. But there was no getting through to him. So we left the party early and he cried harder than he ever has. So Chris finally to him that he would never be invited to another party again because he was being so naughty. Here is his reaction.

He wanted to go back to Grandma Birdie's house to give Dekyn and everyone else who was there a hug and tell them he was sorry. But we were not going to give him that chance so instead of saying sorry in person. Chris recorded his apology and the video says it all. He was so upset and crying so hard that his eyes were bright red.

When we sent the video to Justin. I guess everyone got a kick out of the video. I mean it was really cute and so sincere.

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