Monday, June 25, 2007

Gary & Sharlene Cornwell's First Annual Family Reunion

This weekend, we as a family were able to get together for a weekend filled with fun. We all arrived in the Pine Valley Mountain on Thursday evening. (Chris and I didn't make it until close to 11:30 that night) Everyone pitch their tents and Brandon and Maggie did Chris and Mine. One good thing about coming in late, don't have to work. j/k. Friday we went horsebackriding and fishing. Dave and Chris caught the most fish. (the camera battery died so we don't have pictures, but I don't think it would matter, they were so small you probably wouldn't be able to see them.) We also played a couple of games Mom came up with. They were hillarious. We couldn't stop laughing There are a couple of pictures showing us playing them. We also had the opprotunity to take a tour of the local Pine Valley Church. It was built back in the late 1800's by some of the local families. The designer's trade was building ships and when he was asked to build a church, he didn't know any other way but to build it like a boat. So that is how it was built. There is a theory that if the valley ever was to flood, the church would float. We also found out that Chris' great great grandfather Daniel Tyler was a justice of the peace for the Pine Valley area, we even saw a picture of him hanging up in the old church. Chris had no idea that his family came all the way down to Southern Utah.
Mom made some really great food. Friday morning we had the typical camp breakfast. Frenchtoast, sausage and bacon. It was yummers. She also whipped up a dutchoven Lasagna that was too die for. I didn't think you could cook lasagna in dutchoven.
We came home Saturday morning. A little earlier than planned but it allowed us to come home and get all the dust off and smell good. We all had a great time. Thanks to Dave, Andrea, Mom and Dad for all of the planning and food. You made the reunion worth driving 510 miles one way. Chris and I had a wonderful time, and we are looking forward to planning next years reunion.
View of our campsite.

Dave and Rachel in front of the fire.
(What a cool effect it makes on a camera)
Here is Mom, cussing out a soda can.
(She had two cans of soda explode on her. You can see that her right leg is wet?)
The sisters minus Kelle, she didn't want to come with us to the Pine Valley Chapel.

Dave and Andie at the Pine Valley Chapel.
(I don't have a couple picture of Brand and Rachel,
but I am sure they will have one on their blog.)

Chris and Brandon passing the morning by with some B.S.

Mom and Kelle eating breakfast.
Mom made some fantastic meals. She is the best cook.
(She even made Dutchoven Lasagna, so yummy.)

Here is Dave doing what he does best, being a weirdo. Just Kidding Bro, you know I love yeah.

We are ready to go.

Dad riding Sassy

Dad and I

Kelle and David ready for a great ride.

Dad and Mom enjoying there kids, making a fool of themselves.
(notice the big smile on Dad's face.)

Here we are playing a very intense game of Scum.

Andrea and Rachel playing Scum.
(psst Rachel, I can see your cards)

Maggie and her tent, she put it up herself.
Quite the accomplisment for her. j/k
Maggie and her baby blanket
(she can't sleep without it)


Brandon & Rachel Doyle said...


Glad you made it back OK. :)

- Brandon

Chris & Stephanie said...

Brandon and Rachel,
You guys need to update your blog. It has been awhile. Get busy.

Brandon & Rachel Doyle said...

Well, just read my blog. Just kidding. Rachel and I will get the pics downloaded to a computer and do a nice post.

Have a fun week!
- Brandon

Chris & Stephanie said...

If you could please send me your blog name, I forgot the address.

Brandon & Rachel Doyle said...

Sure. It is