Wednesday, April 03, 2013

6 Month Photo Session

I finally had professional pictures taken since he was born, but I bought a plan that will allow me to get his pictures taken at 9 months and 12 months. So I am excited for that.

Lucas was such a happy boy until I got him naked and put him on the mirror. I am not sure if he was just cold being on the mirror or he didn't like the depth perception the mirror gave. But even when he wasn't a happy boy we got some great shots. He was such a trooper.

My blue eyed boy.

I can't wait for the next session. I have so many ideas.


The Wride Family said...

Oh my goodness! What a handsome boy! I LOVE these pictures!

Danielle said...

His cheeks are so adorable!!

Val said...

These turned out so great! He is one cute little man :)