Thursday, December 26, 2013

Visiting Grandma

We took the opportunity to go see Grandma Cox. We had gotten word that she was really sick and we didn't want to risk not being able to say goodbye. While we were there she rallied and seemed her old wonderful self. I especially loved my one on one time we had. Got to do a lot of reminiscing. What fun memories I have of her and my dear grandpa.  While I was there grandma's hair dresser (Jill, Uncle Boot's daughter) came and did her hair. You could just see her spirits raise. She need it so badly. We were joined by Uncle Glen (grandma's youngest and only brother still living) and Aunt Jan. we were belly rolling. It was magical.

                    What a beauty!
It was hard to say goodbye, knowing this might be my last time to see here. I love her so very much and am so grateful for the legacy she has left her family. Love you Grandma, the mostest forever.

1 comment:

Val said...

Now those are some special moments. So glad you got some great pics. Love you.